p.s. Josh REALLY does like tofu! I made this pie (Greek Yogurt Cheesecake) and he couldn't eat it fast enough! I had my fair share too ;) If you are looking for a healthy dessert, you should give it a try!
Juliette is still OBSESSED with her hands. She could care less about toys. All she needs to be happy: Her hands in her mouth and Baby Einstein (or Dora The Explorer...her new fav!) She is growing like a weed. She is almost too big for her trusty swing. Josh and I have decided to get her a big girl swing to hang from the lone tree in the backyard. Hopefully, the weather will cool down and start to feel like fall so we can be outside more! I had the past few days off so Cheekie and I went to the Town Center and found her some really cute hats. I swear this kid looks good in everything she puts on! We've been trying to take at least one walk a day...Daddy sometimes throws in a second walk. Juliette loves going for walks. She's quite the curious little thing. She definitely knows how to get comfy in her stroller. She likes to lean to the side and put her legs up. Crazy kid. Here she is in the big girl swing at the park for the first time. She was so in to her hands that I'm not sure if she enjoyed herslf or not. Did I mention this kid is growing like a weed?!?!?! She now sits in the cart...no more carseat for this gal! This year has just flown by. Juliette has just been such a wonderful baby! We could not be more blessed! If all babies were this good, I'd have ten. Ok, maybe not ten. For now, we will enjoy Cheekie, a.k.a. Purple Petunia (her celebrity name).
p.s. Josh REALLY does like tofu! I made this pie (Greek Yogurt Cheesecake) and he couldn't eat it fast enough! I had my fair share too ;) If you are looking for a healthy dessert, you should give it a try!
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The Jones' had a fun week! Juliette turned 7 months! We got Juliette some "Mum Mum's". She stared at them. She banged them against the side of her Bumbo. She pushed them off the tray. But she did not eat them. Never heard of a "Mum Mum"? You're not alone...I had no clue either until a friend of mine told me about them. According to www.mummums.com, they are "made especially for teething babies, Baby Mum-Mum rice biscuits are baby biscuits that dissolve easily in your child's mouth, with no mess!" Don't they sound yummy! We got them in all three flavors so hopefully she learns to like them! This past weekend was a big weekend for little 'ole St. Augustine! The Gentlemen of the Road Tour came into town, bringing with it 30,000+ people. (More than doubling the population!) So of course Josh & I had to go into town and see what the big fuss was about. EVERYTHING had a mustache on it. It was a bit crazy for a 7-month old so we landed at the fort...listening to the music from a safe distance. Till next time!
My sweet Juliette...my how time has flown! You are growing so fast! Each day you make your father & I smile more & more! You really are the best little girl! And the cutest thing there ever was! Thank you for letting us get one good picture without your hand in your mouth! You sure do love to eat your hands. We are waiting for your teeth to come in still. You have started to really love to eat! Winter Squash is your new fav...I'm not sure why, cause I tried it. And it's nasty tasting. More power to you! Thank you for being a good little sleeper! We appreciate that! Stay cute and keep being the sweetest little gal! We love you! Happy 7 Months Cheekie!We've had a great week full of football, fun in the sun and food! Juliette watched the Louisville football game with her Daddy yesterday. Poor kid gets stuck in that cheerleader outfit every time. Someone get her a jersey! We went to the pool today. We couldn't get Juliette to look at the camera until she was sitting on the side of the pool. She was a bit cranky since we were quickly approaching the napping hour. She held on until we got home thankfully! We have progressed steadily on the solids. She now likes rice cereal, sweet potatoes, carrots and sometimes apples (depending on her mood). We decided to get the "big girl" chair out the other day. She seamed to like it! But she's such a happy little thing that I really don't think she cares where she is sitting! We also put Juliette in her tutu made by her Granny. She pulled on the tulle the whole time. This was the only picture I got without the skirt in her mouth. And baby girl's first shipment of goods from Little Hip Squeaks arrived this week! If anyone needs an idea of what to get her for Christmas, feel free to get her something from Little Hip Squeaks. Size 12 months and larger please :). In all seriousness, their stuff is so cute! Check it out...www.littlehipsqueaks.com. All this football, swimming, and eating sure do make a girl tired! Till next time friends!
Happy Labor Day! We had a nice and quiet Labor Day at home with some of our favorite people! Emily, Eric & Erika came over and joined us for a healthy feast of grilled top sirloin with onions and peppers, broccoli, asparagus, grilled peaches & strawberries! Josh and I have been trying to lose our pregnancy gainings...we will update you all on that later ;) I always feel like Labor Day is the end of summer and the start of fall. Unfortunately, the weather doesn't feel the same way. It was still hot as can be today. I am ready for Fall and everything pumpkin. I spent a good few hours yesterday pinning ever pumpkin delicacy I could find. We are fully stocked on pumpkin soaps (Josh makes fun of my soap collection...I store them according to the season). And I hear Starbucks has the pumpkin latte back! Hallelujah! I think I may have an obsession. Here we are waiting for Daddy to wake up this morning...we let him sleep in!
Juliette's MommaThanks for stopping by! My name is Jen and I am the proud Momma of Juliette Margot! We are so blessed to have a healthy and happy baby girl. Check back often and watch as Juliette grows...you never know what great adventures are ahead of us! The Past...
September 2017