I've been wanting to take Christmas pictures of Juliette ever since Halloween ended. I'm not going to lie...our Christmas tree was up before Thanksgiving. The holidays are even more special now that we get to celebrate with Juliette. I am so excited Santa is coming to our house this year! Anyways, here's some pictures I took of our little angel, "Best Gift Ever!" There were also moments of meltdown...equally as cute if you ask me. She's cute even when she's upset!
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May your stuffing be tasty
May your turkey plump, May your potatoes and gravy Have nary a lump. May your yams be delicious And your pies take the prize, And may your Thanksgiving dinner Stay off your thighs! Happy Thanksgiving! We had a hot Halloween Trick-or-Treat session last night...mid-80's! Juliette enjoyed her first Halloween (but probably not as much as her mom and dad). She had her friends Myalee and Harrison join her...and we didn't get a picture of all three cuties :( Next year we will be chasing her around the neighborhood!
It's been a year since I started JulietteMargot.com...craziness! I started the blog as a way to document my journey to motherhood for our relatives that live 800+ miles away...so they could join us on the ride. It has become so much more. THIS is Juliette's baby book. How cool is that! When she's old enough and reads allllll these posts, she'll get to see how cool her mom & dad are. Or she'll think we're nuts. She'll know how much she is loved. The past few years have been the most wonderful years yet. We got engaged, got married and had a baby (the best honeymoon souvenir!) without wasting any time. And I can honestly say, that I wouldn't change one single moment. As I sit here and look back, I realize how damn lucky I am! We are so blessed. I have a hot husband, two crazy dogs, and the World's Cutest Little Girl.
I look forward to writing/blogging the rest of our story for many years to come. Keep on reading...and thank you for all of your sweet comments & support. Love you all! Happy birthday to the new Prince of Cambridge...and to me! I am so excited to share a birthday with the heir to the thrown. Those that know me well, know that I LOVE the royal family. And now that we share a birthday, it's like we're related! That would make me a princess. Or a duchess. I'll take either one. Anyways, thank you to everyone for all the kind birthday wishes! This really has been the best birthday yet! I spent most of the day with Cheekie just sitting glued to the t.v. waiting for the Prince to arrive. Then we went to SW Grill for a delish dinner! I cannot imagine spending my birthday with anyone else other than these two... One of my gifts... Cheers to the new Prince...I look forward to sharing many birthdays with you.
Today, Juliette got to meet lots of her extended family in Louisville at her Cousin Olive's baby shower. Aunt Jenny's (Olive's Mom) shower was a pink and green turtle fiesta (with a taco bar!). It was a hot and steamy Kentucky afternoon but everyone had a great time! We can't wait to meet Olive! Check out Olive's parent's blog sometime! (www.ourbabyolive.com)
One year ago from today...I married the sweetest, handsomest, kindest, most caringest (yes, it's a word now) man. I honestly cannot believe how fast this past year has flown by! Our wedding was everything I had always dreamed of. My best friend Emily and I had a conversation YEARS ago about how we wanted our weddings to be (true story!). And I swear...this is what I described. A wedding on a farm. With a big barn. A John Deere tractor. Big old fashioned Christmas lights. And the man of my dreams. And I got it! Here's to many more wonderful year my Lovee! Thanks for making all my dreams come true! I love you Mr. Jones
Juliette's MommaThanks for stopping by! My name is Jen and I am the proud Momma of Juliette Margot! We are so blessed to have a healthy and happy baby girl. Check back often and watch as Juliette grows...you never know what great adventures are ahead of us! The Past...
September 2017