Maternity clothes? Yes.
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Really good.
Best moment this week: Being told my blood pressure is better!
Miss Anything? Not really...other than being able to do things like a normal person. I have been told that I am to cut all working out, out.'s work and then home to lay down on my left side for me for the next 9 weeks!
Movement: LOTS! She's going to be a night owl like her father!
Food cravings: Pretzels are a "no go" now. I went in on Monday for a checkup and was told my blood pressure was high. Since then, I have cut salt out and increased my water intake. I lost 5 lbs. in water weight AND got my blood pressure down. It's amazing the huge effect salt has on the body! So now I am eating lots of spinach, sweet potatoes, apples, grilled chicken, lima beans and pretty much anything that helps with high blood pressure.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Heartburn and some swelling. The swelling has gotten MUCH better since I cut most all salt from my diet.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? Off :( The swelling got bad this week so they are off. When I went to the doctor on Monday, the doctor told me that many women have to get their rings cut off! So...better safe than sorry! I did get a temporary replacement. (Note: my hands are looking close to normal size today! The swelling is soooooo much better!)
Looking forward to: Meeting this little girl! This week I have been pondering what she is going to look like. I think she will come out without any hair. Josh's brown eyes will most likely prevail over her momma's baby blues.
The week started off not-so-good, but has definitely gotten better! Only 12 more days till Christmas! I can't wait! Till then, I will snuggle on the couch with my Bitty. He loves my new "pillow"!